No Contracts!
As you know, having good communication is extremely important in any relationship. We feel as long as we can point out the few rules in place (common-sense rules) at the initial call for an estimate and within the 'Welcome Package,' you’ll receive at the first cleaning. Plus, with the information here on our website, we can avoid locked-in contracts. Therefore, this page is essential, and we kindly ask you carefully read before we start our business relationship. Our Few Policies Are:
$75.00 fee if we’re canceled within 36 hours before the date of your cleaning. Extreme emergencies are acceptable, such as serious health issues, extreme damages, severe weather. However, this will only be accepted one time within a 6-month period per incident. Canceling Services: Please give us ample notice if you're planning to cancel services permanently. Pausing Services: If this is required, we cannot guarantee availability when you want to resume service. Rescheduling Services: We're often limited with available openings, should you have to reschedule your cleaning (for whatever reason). Up to a 25% in Less Quality on the job, if we’re to work around people to clean. We would like uninterrupted and complete access to every area we’re to clean, without having to restructure our cleaning method if all possible, please. Late fee: ($55.00 after 30 days) and ALL Collection fees, on top of any unpaid balances. Smoking: We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, but we have decided not to clean homes where smoking is allowed. If a home or office is too hot, we reserve the right to cancel that cleaning. If we do start cleaning under these conditions. The cleaning quality most likely will be reduced due to the water breaks required (we suggest having a chill in the air for cleaning for best results). The First Cleaning: We give an estimate over email for the first cleaning. This is based on our years of experience to determine the initial cleaning cost. Following the first cleaning (if we're to engage), we will leave behind an estimate with having us on-going bi-weekly and monthly, which again is under no contract. You can then decide which of the two you’d like to go with, if at all. If you opt to have us once in a great while, there may be a need required to adjust the cost based on the length of time since the last cleaning. |
Things We Don’t Do: We do not do laundry, dishes, ironing, wash walls/ceilings, walk or feed animals, water plants or babysit, nor clean animal or human waste. We also don’t answer phones or move furniture that requires two people or more to move or move all furniture (movable) each time we come. Making beds we feel is in the same category as laundry. However, we can consider it for an additional fee, excluding stripping them first. Things We Do: We clean ‘completely’ the bathrooms, including in and outside of toilets, all sinks, showers, mirrors, shelves (exposed and uncluttered), countertops, pictures, baseboards, and windowsills, light switches, doorknobs, and frames. Polish furniture, appliances (outside), scrub tubs/showers, polish cabinets, front and back door/s (inside and out). Cobwebs, ceiling fans, vacuum, and mop all floors. Marble and granted counters are buffed and polished. We also offer an additional fee to clean inside appliances, and windows inside and outside as long as they tilt in. Holidays Acknowledge:
West Shore (717) 975-8820
1-866-803-5188 (Toll Free) |
York (717) 932-2724
E-Mail: |